Call for Posters

The Poster Session provides a unique opportunity for young researchers to present their research work and to receive constructive feedback from their peers as well as experts in the field (including academics and practitioners) at the Workshop. The poster session will also be an excellent occasion for stimulating fruitful interactions and developing person-to-person networks to the benefit of the researchers in their future careers. The goal of this session is to create opportunities for young researchers to meet with peers outside of their home institution, to get technical feedback as well as career advice from established researchers in their field, to find out about internship and job opportunities, and to articulate their own work in a public, friendly forum. Topics of interest are the same as those listed "About" the Workshop and include any topic describing the connection between Mathematical Models and Engineering.


Submission instructions

1) Interested Authors should send an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. indicating the title of the poster and the Authors.

2) Subsequently, Authors are required to submit a poster to the Workshop. Specifically, this poster should clearly state:

(a) the research problem being addressed including the current state of the art,
(b) what makes this problem relevant, important, and challenging,

(c) the approach to the problem, (d) the key contribution, and
(e) the obtained results.

Authors may contact any member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee for further information or clarification.



The authors of the poster will be invited to the conference and will present the poster at the poster session on September 11, 2019.

The recommended poster size is A0 (33.1 x 46.8 in, portrait orientation).

The conference does not provide any support for printing posters. Typically, authors print their posters ahead of the conference.

The papers should be authored by the PhD student and indicate the name of her/his supervisor(s) and their affiliation.



Important dates

Submission Date for the title of the poster: September 8, 2019 
Submission Date for the poster: September 10, 2019 
Poster Session: September 11, 2019